


In working together I will assist you to solve the puzzle inside you.

What to Expect From Committing to Counseling at The Power Inside You?

You can expect being treated with respect, care, professionalism, commitment, and acceptance.
You can expect being treated with respect, care, professionalism, commitment, and acceptance.
You will be listened and assisted to connect the loose pieces that keep you from living with more flow and ease.
You will be listened and assisted to connect the loose pieces that keep you from living with more flow and ease.
You will be supported to discover parts of you that might be hidden from your awareness and that are calling for your attention.
You will be supported to discover parts of you that might be hidden from your awareness and that are calling for your attention.
I am convinced that every difficulty or challenge we face in life can be understood as an opportunity to grow inside, to become a better person.
I am convinced that every difficulty or challenge we face in life can be understood as an opportunity to grow inside, to become a better person.
I believe in human beings’ endless capacity to create the reality they want (in a positive or negative way) and to make the changes they chose to.
I believe in human beings’ endless capacity to create the reality they want (in a positive or negative way) and to make the changes they chose to.
I believe in our infinite power to heal our emotional wounds and to get up after we have fallen with more understanding, strength and tools for the next time.
I believe in our infinite power to heal our emotional wounds and to get up after we have fallen with more understanding, strength and tools for the next time.

In working together I will assist you to solve the puzzle inside you.  You just need to bring your willingness and openness to spread the pieces outside you and to take the steps to try different alternatives to find the right fit.

Allow me the honor to be your companion in the journey to the world inside you and to support you in finding the light again.