
To be present during instances of laughter and love often comes naturally. However, when circumstances are difficult or painful, it can be hard to know how to be there for the people we love the most. We may feel uncomfortable and want to avoid the...

As the world turns and life continues at its frantic pace, it can be hard to find those moments that can help focus our perception of daily life and what is important, and it is necessary for people to learn how to be more mindful...

For tens of thousands of years, people have practiced and consequently reaped the benefits of yoga. Yoga is a multifaceted practice with many branches and interpretations. Because of this multitude of types of practice, there is something to learn for everyone. Many misconceptions exist in regards...

Unlike physical scars that are easily seen on the surface of our skin, emotional trauma and mental health issues often lie hidden much deeper. The truth is, we are only acutely aware of our own reality and the events that we endure. It is impossible...

Oftentimes, not being in a romantic relationship can make us feel left out or alone. But, I assure you, this is not the only type of love. So, I invite you to embrace all types of love, in all its shapes and colors, that you...