


Your story is safe with me


Allow me to share a little about myself with you

My professional ethics (that is, my profession’s rules about values and moral matters) and the laws of this state prevent me from telling anyone else what you disclose during session unless you give me written permission. This respect for your privacy is what is called confidentiality.

However, there are some limits or exceptions regarding confidentiality that are mandated by the state laws.  I want you to understand clearly what I can and cannot keep confidential. The limits in confidentiality (exceptions) are to be enforced when you or other persons are in physical danger. In those cases the law requires me to tell others about it.


Harm to Self. If there is reason to believe you are in danger of physically harming yourself and/or you are unwilling or unable to follow treatment recommendations, the counselor may seek your admission to a hospital and/or contact a family member or another person who may be able to help protect you.

Harm to Others. If there is reason to believe you are threatening physical violence against another person and/or there is reason to believe you are a threat to the safety of another person, the counselor may be required to take some action (such as contacting the police, notifying the potential victim, securing hospitalization, or some combination of these actions) to insure the other person is protected.

Abuse of Child or Dependent Adult (elderly/discapacitated). If there is reason to believe a child or dependent adult is being abused, the counselor is legally obligated to report the situation to the appropriate state agency.

Courts. A counselor may be ordered to testify in legal proceedings and/or turn over records if lawfully issued by subpoenas and court orders.
Voluntary release signed by client or guardian.
Allow me to share a little about myself with you